Our personal advice on secure passwords…

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So as right now is a great time to choose a new password due to the Heartbleed bug we talked about recently here and here. Here are our recommendations for passwords;

Quick advice on passwords;

It is best to use different randomly generated passwords for every account, but you will need special password tracking software to generate and keep track of them all – and if someone gets access to this program on your computer you loose your security anyway – so here is my alternative;

Use more than one password – 3 Main passwords or more

Especially for your main bank account, use a password that is different from everywhere else. Then for other sites have a more secure password and a more common one, the more the better – but to keep it simple I recommend at least these 3;

  1. A Special Main Bank Account Password
  2. A Secure password for the most important sites
  3. A less secure password for the sites that are not as important

(You could also use variations of the same password in order to make it easier for yourself, but this reduces the security a bit)

Make strong passwords

In order to make strong passwords, use at least 4 different words (in a non-predictable way), use a number and an uppercase letter somewhere too. You can check how strong it is here: http://www.passwordmeter.com

We have assisted our clients in the past with changing passwords and even recovering passwords – if you need help you can always give us a buzz on 0401 229 104 or email us through our contact us page here

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